Application & Payment

Who can apply

This summer school is aimed at MA and PhD students,  postdoctoral and early-career researchers, as well as senior researchers in the fields of English linguistics, educational and applied linguistics, critical discourse analysis, translation and interpreting, accessible audiovisual translation, linguistic anthropology and psycholinguistics, modern languages, and media and communication studies.

However, it is equally valuable for anyone who uses English as a vehicle for international and academic communication and wants to communicate their expertise clearly in English – e.g. scholars working in the formal, natural and social sciences, including humanities, arts and culture, law and economics, medicine and biology.

A minimum B2 (Upper intermediate) level in English is required to profitably attend the courses.

How to apply

To register, you must complete the online form and pay the fee (the payment method is PagoPA, introduced by the Italian Code for Digital Administration, which guarantees safe and reliable electronic payments to the public administration).

Please note that the registration deadline to access the discounted early bird fee is March 31st 2025. Registration closes on May 15th 2025.

Fees and payment terms

The fee covers access to talks, participation in workshops and discussion sessions, networking tea and coffee breaks, and entry to the accessible film screening at the Auditorium di San Tommaso on June 19th.

Course fee structure

Early bird registration until March 31st 2025Late registration until May 15th 2025
Master’s students80€100€
PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, early-career researchers100€120€
Faculty members, professionals, and practitioners from outside academia120€ 140€

Note that the label “Masters’ students” includes both students in a second-cycle programme (IT: Laurea Magistrale) and students attending a Taught or Research Master’s.The label “Faculty members” includes professors, lecturers, and researchers.


Please note that there are no refunds for non-participation.  

If you have any questions regarding payment, please contact the organising committee: